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National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing

Interdisciplinary Centre for infrastructure sensors and instrumentation


As part of the Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC) 10-year anniversary events held last month, CSIC Research Associates Dr Miguel Bravo-Haro and Dr Nicky de Battista hosted an online workshop inviting attendees to ‘virtually’ visit the Civil Engineering Building – home to CSIC and NRFIS.

Visitors were able to to see how smart infrastructure has brought the Civil Engineering Building, instrumented with five sensor packages, to life. Through engaging with the platforms that collect and visualise the rich data streams coming from the sensors deployed across the building structure, the audience was taken on the data’s journey from sensor to digital twin.

If you missed the event, the online workshop is available to view on the CSIC YouTube channel.

The interactive website developed by Dr Miguel Bravo-Haro and used during the workshop is online at:

You are welcome to surf the interactive website and play with the 3D models of the instrumented areas and visualisations of the data. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to contact either Dr Miguel Bravo-Haro or Dr Nicky de Battista who will assist.

For further details about the instrumentation of the Civil Engineering Building, visit CSIC’s Project Case study: Making sense: instrumentation and monitoring to support performance-based design

This research and the online event forms part of the Centre for Digital Built Britain’s (CDBB) work at the University of Cambridge. It was enabled by the Construction Innovation Hub, of which CDBB is a core partner, and funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF).